

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cooperating vs. Coordinating

Good morning! Simon is being especially cute today, but I (almost) always think that. Here are some of this morning's Simon-isms:

Simon came running into our room in the usual way yelling, "It's green! It's green!" in reference to his traffic light clock alarm going off (the light turns green when he's allowed to get up). When I said good morning, he replied, "Nuh-uh." Silly boy.

Simon: "BWAHAHAHAHA! I'm cackling!"

Simon held up one of his toys and asked, "What's his name?"
Me: "I don't know. What do you think his name is?"
Simon: "I don't know, but he's pretty cool."

Jeff took the trash out when he left for work this morning. About ten minutes after he left Simon said, "We need more trash, so Dad can come home to take it and play with me!"

Me: "Simon, the living room is a mess. You need to pick up some of your space toys before you eat, please."
Simon: "You can pick up those ones. We'll coordinate."
Me: "Do you mean 'cooperate'?"
Simon: "Yeah.That. You're right!"

Me: "Simon, I still need you to pick up your toys."
Simon: "I can't; they're necessary."

Simon: "I love my quite times!" He had had a quiet time with Jeff a while earlier.

This one is from yesterday:
Simon: "Is today Sunday?"
Jeff: "No, today is Tuesday."
Simon: "Happy windsday!"

Happy hump day!

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