

Monday, October 24, 2011

An Aunt Jemima Commercial

Today has started out in a very stressful way. Poor Jeff is facing so much bad treatment and passive-aggressive behavior at work. I feel horrible for him, and helpless to do anything. I really hope that he'll find a great new job a.s.a.p!

Anyway, here are some more "Simonisms":

Simon: "Am I fast?"
Me: "You are so fast!"
Simon: "I'm a fast kid, I know."

Simon: "Mmmm, golden waffles with delicious syrup."
He needs to be in an Aunt Jemima commercial.

Simon: "I got a brilliant idea! I'm going to be a robot."

Simon: "If I put syrup in water, it'll turn into water."
Me: "Please don't try it".
Simon: "But being naughty is so fun!"
Oh boy.

We have two pictures of chefs cooking. In one of them, the chef is holding a giant plate of spaghetti. Simon asked why and (always taking advantage of any chance to tell Simon to eat) I said, "He loves to eat spaghetti. It makes him big and strong."
Simon answered, "Chefs don't get hungry, people do! Chefs are cooks and they don't eat."

I hope you all have a great day. Here's hoping our day will improve!

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