

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Simon, listening to Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture: "This sounds like something the Animaniacs would write."
Simon: " That look is great on you!"
Me, still in pj's : Thank you. What "look"?"
Simon: "Tired."

Simon told me, " My mind is like an empty house for rent. People come in- those are my memories- then they look around and leave if they don't want to live there. Which most people- my memories- don't."
This was his excuse this morning for memorizing all the Pokemon names, then claiming his memory was too bad to answer any school-related questions.

Baby Einstein was on and the song "If You're Happy and You Know It" was playing with a bunch of different babies and toddlers doing the moves. Simon looked and said, "That baby doesn't look happy! He just looks chubby!"