

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"Being good is not as easy as it looks"

Simon asked, "Wanna see something intense?"
He then threw himself onto the floor and said, "It's a Buzz Lightyear flip!"

Simon: "How's your day so far?"
Me: "It's pretty good. How is your day?"
Simon: "Oh, you know. Business as usual."

Simon informed me that he's going to "a galaxy far, far away. It's called Florida." I had no idea that Florida was in another galaxy, but I suppose it makes sense.

Simon: "I need to practice."
Me: "What do you need to practice? Being cute?"
Simon: "No, I'm a natural at that. I need to practice whistling with my mouth and not tooting."

Simon solemnly informed me yesterday that "Being good is not as easy as it looks."

Simon built a sword out of megablocks. Of course it broke when he swung it. He looked at it and said, "Well, that was counterproductive."
It's been so long since he's said that!

We'll hopefully be taking Simon out to ride his new bike this afternoon. Have a great day!

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