

Monday, January 2, 2012

Why Simon Doesn't Do Somersaults

Simon: "If I want to be a bad guy I have to put a lot of money into my band 'cause bommerays, and grappling hooks, and all that other nonsense is expensive."
It's good to know that Simon has specific reasons to save. Ha ha!

Simon: "Am I a monster that turns into a knight, or a superhero that turns into a knight, or a human being that turns into a knight?"
Me: "Well, you're a human being."
Simon: "You're right! I am! You're so smart!"

Simon: "I have to give you a little something." He ran over and gave me a big hug, "Love! It's the best gift!"

Simon: "I can't do a somersault."
Me: "Sure you can. You just need practice."
Simon: "No, because I don't have a helmet for my crotch."
I gave Simon a candy kiss and he asked, "Is this chocolate?"
I said yes and Simon gave me a big (chocolaty) grin. "It's GREAT!"

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