

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Simon: "Do you want to hear two words that don't change when you reverse them? Dad backwards is still dad and mom backwards is still mom. Funny, huh?"

There was an AFV clip of a baby in a bathtub, drinking soapy water. The baby opened its mouth and bubbles came out. Simon sighed and said, "I miss those days."

Simon, watching a documentary: "Does this guy [the narrator] speak German?"
Me: "He has a British accent."
Simon: "British? I knew he spoke German!"

Simon asked me to take a bite of his apple to "get it started". After I handed it back to him he said sarcastically, "Great. I can't wait for a big taste of mom DNA."

Me: "Simon, can I have a goodnight hug and kiss?"
Simon: "I'm too hyper for romance."

Simon: "Can I have a mohawk?"
Me: "I can try to give you one in a bit."
Simon: "First we need cornstarch."

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