

Friday, May 3, 2013

Rid the Fat!

It's been a great few weeks. Simon and his Pre-K class just put together a Mother's Day Tea. It was so adorable! Prior to that, Simon had a birthday party at O2bkids. Here are a few pictures from those two events:

Simon: "Dad is your husband, but sometimes you call him Jeff. That's how you remember you're married to him."

Simon decided he didn't want to be like Dad when he grows up. The reason? He doesn't "want to grow a scratchety beard."
Once I told him he didn't have to, he decided he wants to be just like Dad once he grows up.

Simon to me: "I love you so much, I'm going to give you a turkey leg!"

There's a billboard down the street that cycles between three different ads. One of them is for a weight loss program. Every time Simon sees it, he just reads the website very excitedly: "RID THE FAT!"

It's been a great few weeks. Simon and his Pre-K class just put together a Mother's Day Tea. It was so adorable! Prior to that, Simon had a birthday party at O2bkids. Here are a few pictures from those two events:

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