

Saturday, January 26, 2013


We had dinner with some friends last night. Simon made quite an impression, walking into their sliding glass door (while dressed as Batman, of course). We all had a great night.

Simon: "Eli can have a sleepover!"
Jeff: "That'd be fun."
Simon: "You don't even have to be there!"
Jeff: "Well, we'd be there to take care of you guys and help get snacks."
Simon: "I can get our snacks by myself. I have a recipe!"

We took Simon to the zoo today:

Simon: "I want to go get naked and go in the water park."
Jeff: "The water park isn't open; it's too cold."
Me: "You'd have to wear swimming shorts, though. You can't be naked."
Simon: "Because then people would yell: "Why is that kid NAKED!?!"."

Simon (in his best "informative voice"): "There are over two hundred speechies. Mom, what's a speechies?"
He meant "species".

Lately Simon has been telling me to pick up kids from school so he can take them to our house to play. When I tell him that we need their parents' permission first (otherwise it's kind of a felony), he tells me to just ask his teacher.

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