

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Simon teaches Jeff a lesson

Simon is in fine form today. Here are a few of the things that have made me laugh:

Simon (to Jeff): "I'm your father and I'm teaching you a lesson!"
Jeff: "What's the lesson?"
Simon: "I'm teaching you a lesson!"
Jeff: "Well, what is it?"
Simon: "Uh...how to punch. BAM!"

After running around for a while, Simon wiped his forehead and said, "Hooh! I'm fast!"

This morning at breakfast, Simon was having a difficult time with his waffles and syrup. He looked at Jeff and said, "Is this kinda like a sick joke?" Jeff asked what he was referring to and Simon gestured vaguely all around the room. Hahaha!

Simon: "I'm the only superhero on the world! It's making me tired!"

Simon: "I'm a special knight."
Me: "What kind of special knight?"
Simon: "The shiny kind."

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