

Monday, November 28, 2011

Prayer and play time

Simon has been particularly chatty lately. Here are some of the highlights:

Simon was bouncing around in the bathroom. He suddenly shouted, "I'm getting so wound up!"

Simon (referring to Shredder and his henchmen in the Ninja Turtles show): "Those bad guys are violent!"

Simon had a blast watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas with us last night. He told us all about his favorite parts, whether they actually happened or not.
"I love it when Max goes to the Grinch and says, "Hey, are you happy yet?""

Simon came up to me and said, very seriously, "I want  my two front teeth so I can say "Merry Christmas" more better."

The setup:
Simon: "I'm almost four like Optimus Prime!"
Jeff: "So Optimus Prime is almost four?"
The payoff:
Simon: "No! He's not even real!"

Simon: "Don't mess with my drinks, man."

Simon, talking about Spiderman: "When Spiderman goes bonking his head on the cities, he goes cr-azy!"

Simon (at the table this morning): "Guess what? My breakfast is nutritious! But it's okay because it's tasty."

Simon: "I smell something that smells good and it's the light."

I was fighting the usual morning battle, trying to get Simon to eat. His answer: "If I eat anymore, I'll get ever-so-sick."
Who talks like that? I have no idea where he got that one.

Simon told me he needed to pray. He stopped, folded his hands, and said, "God, can I play with my toys? Amen."

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