

Saturday, February 11, 2012

You're a cannibal!

I told Simon to eat his breakfast so that he would have energy for the day. He answered, "Only God gives me energy!"

Simon: "Mom, I aimed my weapon at you. I need to defeat you 'cause you're the villain."

Simon: "I'm back from outer space!"
Me: "What did you see out there?"
Simon: "Planets and stars and stuff."
Me: "Do you know the names of any of the planets you saw?"
Simon shrugs: "They were just planets. And Africa."

While playing with some cups in the bathtub, Simon explained that he was "getting deep into the earth." I asked him what he was going to do once he dug deep into the earth, and he answered, "I'm going to make soup!"

Simon: "Can we go back to Mr. Terry and Miss Stephanie's house? 'Cause it's more awesomer there."

Simon (to me): "You're a cannibal!"
I don't think he knows the definition of that word.

Simon: "Can you be pregnant? Please?"
I told him what that word means. He gave me a look of exasperation and said, "I know!"

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