

Monday, February 27, 2012

"I'm a mammal"

Simon: "I'm a superhero named "That Boy"!"

As we were walking Simon to his Sunday school class yesterday,he looked at us and said, "I'm a mammal."

Simon (in his best robot voice): "I. Must. Find. Food. I must find. More. Food."

Simon was dancing around, singing, "Who can it be knocking at my door?" I love it when he makes up songs.

This morning, Simon was hanging off my hand. Jeff gave him a funny look, and Simon said to me, "I think Dad doesn't want me to hold your hand inappropriately." Then he stopped hanging off my hand. He's so funny!

Simon: "I sleep with my eyes closed."

Simon: "I have a brilliant idea! It's called 'we build a race car track."

Simon has learned the word 'mortify'. This is the way he used it this  morning:
"I'm mortified when I poop in my pants. It's kind of awkward."
Me: "I don't like it either when you do that. It's gross."
Simon: "Yeah. That too."

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