

Thursday, February 23, 2012

"I'm fancy people!"

Simon: "How do we get outside?"
Me: "We'll walk down the stairs like usual."
Simon: "We can use parachutes and jump off the balcony!"

Simon was asking if either of us went to school. I told him that Jeff goes to college "like the fancy people" (I know that doesn't make any sense; I was tired) and Simon answered, "I'm fancy people! I can go to college right now."

Simon played with sidewalk chalk for the first time yesterday. I asked where he wanted to color and he yelled, "Your face!"

As Jeff was walking out the door, Simon grabbed him and said, "Come and see my toys!"
Jeff answered, "I can't, buddy. I have to go to work."
Simon tried to drag him into his room and said, "Don't worry. It's a shortcut!"

Simon and I were tossing a ball back and forth. I threw it while he wasn't paying attention and he didn't catch it. He said, "Oh no! I missed completely!"

Simon and I were having a pillow fight. He threw a pillow at me and said, "Take that, buddy who I've never me before!"

Once again, getting Simon to eat has proven difficult:
Simon: "I'm too nervous to eat."
Me: "What are you nervous about?"
Simon: "Eating."

Have a great day!

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