

Saturday, December 17, 2011

What's a 'cup of cheer'?

Good morning! It's been a busy couple of weeks, with some fun things coming up. Simon can't wait to go to the Christmas Boat Parade. Apparently, all the boats are decorated with Christmas lights. We're both very excited and happy to be going with a good friend. Here's what Simon has been up to lately:

I told Simon that he gets to go to the "big people church" with us on Christmas Eve. He got very excited and said, "Is it a Disney castle!?!"

Simon has decided that Jeff and I are part of his army, one that he has created to defeat whatever his imagination dreams up. Today he said, "Mom, you have to say 'yes, sir' when I say 'get those pesky turtles!'. Okay?"

Jeff read Simon the story of Esther in his kid Bible. I asked Simon what he had learned about (I do that every day) and he said, "The bad guy and the girl that was wearing a blue thing and was a good guy."
Hahaha! At least he knows his colors.

Simon was playing with some craft sticks (basically, they're colored popsicle sticks). He said, "I made a cross, see?"
Me: "You did."
Simon: "Like Jesus died on."
Me: "What happened three days later?"
Simon: "He came back from dying."
Me: "Do you know why?"
Simon: "Because he loves me!"
I'm so proud.

Simon (singing): "Have a holly, jolly Christmas. It's the best time of the year. I don't know where is the snow but have a cup of- Mom, what's a cup of cheer?"

Simon: "I don't like your nose."
Me: "Simon, that's mean. You hurt my feelings."
Simon: "It's not because of your fault. God made it."

Simon: "I'm Flash Robin so I have to wear Dad's helmet and ride a dirt bike and defeat all the bad guys and eat my candy kissed right now."
Me: "It's too early for candy."
Simon: "But Flash Robin has to have some for energy!"

Simon: "The turtles defeated me! It cannot be!" He whispered to me, "I'm the bad guy so I always get in trouble."

Simon: "My emotion is kind of  excited today."

Enjoy your weekend!

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