

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

"Let me tell you about my life"

Halloo! I hope you all had a great Christmas! We were ridiculously spoiled and had a fantastic time. Some of these posts are from a few days ago, since I haven't posted in the last couple of days.

Simon started carrying around a stuffed animal and explained to me that "it's my sidekick".

Simon's latest attempt to get me to "camp out" with him at his nap time, which I don't do since he REALLY doesn't sleep then: "No one's lying there" (on his pillow) "so you need to 'cause somebody's got to do it!"

Simon doused his face with water, scraped a spoon across it, then tried to dry off on the wall. When I asked him what he was doing, he said, "I'm trying to shave like a human being like Dad."

The juice cup Simon was drinking out of mysteriously disappeared. Jeff and I were looking everywhere for it. We asked him to help us find it and he went, got out his toy phone, and said, "Hello? Police? I need you to come find my juice. It's an emergency."

While we were driving, Simon suddenly yelled, "There are birds flying-pull over!"

Simon: "There are a million birds. Let's count them." He counted to ten.

When Simon saw all his presents for Christmas, his jaw dropped (he made a "CHUNG" sound because he likes sound effects) and he said excitedly, "Presents! That's amazing!'

Simon: "Mom, was I spoiled on Christmas?"
Me: "Yes! We all were."
Simon: "Oh." He thinks about it for a minute, "I like being spoiled."

Simon, to my grandparents, mom, and sister on Christmas Eve: "Let me tell you about my life."

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