

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Snowball Fight

Good morning! Here are some new Simon-isms:

Simon: "I can't believe there's a Boba Fett in Star Wars!"

Simon was playing with his new toy cars. He grabbed my hand and said, 'I'm going to show you how we boys do it."

Simon kept turning the lights on and off. I told him to stop turning them off and he answered, "I turned the light off because I'm evil!"

Simon ran full-tilt into the wall. I asked him if he was okay (I have to be honest: I was not at all worried since he runs into the walls on a pretty regular basis) and he said, "I'm dramatic."

Simon has learned the word "confident." I tried to get him to use it in a sentence in front of Jeff. Here is the result:
Me: "When you are sure that you can do something, you are -what- in yourself?"
Simon: "Dastardly!"
Um, no.

I'm pretty tired this morning (I slept walked last night and ended up on the floor in the living room, which does not add up to a good nights' sleep) so I told Simon that I'm "falling apart at the seams".
Simon said, "But I don't hear a cracking sound."

Simon threw a wet washcloth at me and yelled, "SNOWBALL FIGHT!"
We really need to visit a cold state.

Have a great day!

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