This morning Jeff read Simon the Bible story about Mary pouring perfume on Jesus' feet and Judas wanting to use that money to "give to the poor" (he wanted to keep it, selfish dude.) Simon told Jeff that Judas wanted to "put the money in his bank". Right in one, Buddy.
Simon: "Why is the sky getting so bright?"
Me: "Because the sun is coming up. See? It's peeking over the trees, there."
Simon: "Oh! That's in a movie. What movie is it in?"
Me: "I don't know if it's in a movie."
Simon: "It's in Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds."
My son, the Beatles fan.
Do not try to hug an excited three-year-old. Simon jumped up in the air while I was hugging him and gave me a fat lip.
Me: "Simon, guess what? Today is Uncle Ryan's birthday."
Simon: "What's with him?"
Me: "What?"
Simon: "Where is he?"
Me: "He's probably celebrating his birthday at his house."
Simon (with his sad face): " But he's supposed to celebrate at our house!"
Happy Birthday, Ryan!
Jeff is officially Simon's favorite right now. I handed Simon the hand towel and he said, "I want Dad to do it."
Simon: "Mom, why do you sound weird."
Me: "I lost my voice."
Simon (with panic in his voice): "Oh no! Where did it go?"
Me: "It just isn't working right now because I'm sick."
Simon: "Oh. Is Dad working right now?"
Have a wonderful day!
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