

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Good morning!

Simon: "I want to paint pumpkins!"
Jeff: "You painted pumpkins yesterday."
Simon: "Show me yesterday."
Jeff: "I can't, it doesn't work that way."
Simon: "Show me on the computer!"

Simon: "Mom, where's my water pistol? I need it to make you feel better!"
For some reason, I doubt his water pistol will heal my cold.

Me: "Simon, eat your breakfast, please."
Simon: "But I already did that yesterday!"

I poured myself some cereal for breakfast. The last time I ate cereal, we lived in Utah. Jeff eats it every day. Simon looked at me, then the cereal and said, "Don't eat Dad's breakfast!"

We all had a great time painting pumpkins last night. Simon decided not to paint his orange, but he did paint the entire thing green. Here are some pictures:

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