

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Lottering Vs. Loitering

Simon: "Mom, there needs to be a sign where you stepped in dog poo that says "No littering and no lottering". What does lottering mean?"
Me: "Do you mean loitering?"
Simon: "Whatever."
Me: "It means hanging out for no good reason."

Simon: "I'm Super Dude. One of my powers is to catch balls. I can only do it one or two times, though."

Simon ran into the hall with his pants around his ankles, yelling, "This is so human-li-lating!"
I'm pretty sure he meant humiliating.

Simon has decided that he has super speed. He has started rubbing his feet along the ground like he's gearing up to charge- even when he's just planning on walking. It's hilarious.

Me: "Simon, do you want to try a strawberry smoothie later?"
Simon: "Maybe we can just share one. You know, one cup with two straws, like if we were in love."
Me: "Are you practicing for something?"
Simon: "No. I just like unique experiences."

This one is from yesterday:
Simon: "I can't be a spaceman when I grow up because you have to be in the Navy. If you're in the Navy, you die. Plus, you have to have a fortune to pay for college."

Simon: "Mom, you inspire me".

While I was getting my hair done, Simon ran into the bathroom. He came bounding back into the room, and yelled, "Confidence is sexy!"
We all started cracking up. That's when he explained that he read that on the bathroom mirror. Silly boy!

Simon: "My fingerprints look like little Death Stars. Probably because I love Star Wars."

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