

Friday, June 19, 2015

Flying Blind

Simon: "I don't want to eat this piece of French Toast. It's crippled."
Jeff, looking scandalized: "You can't say that!"
Simon: "Why not?"
Jeff tried to explain why, while I laughed uproariously at his discomfiture. It turns out Simon meant to say "crinkled".

Simon just read Cyrus the Unsinkable Sea Serpent by Bill Peet. He excitedly told me that he thinks the ship in the book belongs to Magellan.

Simon, looking for a specific Lego piece: "Excuse me, Mom? I'm flying blind here. "

I told Simon it was time for him to get up and get ready for VBS. He rolled over and sleepily said, "No can do, bro."

Simon: "There are some kids who can't afford toys or food. I want to sell some of my Legos for five or ten cents, and give the money to charity."

Simon: "Do you know what's great? Young love. "
He said this with a goofy look on his face, after sighing.

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