

Friday, May 23, 2014

Stan Lee

Simon: "My voice is kind of better now. Half the time when I scream, I sound like a boy. The other times I sound like a girl, though. My voice will be all better when I'm seven."

Simon: "I learned a new word: obsessed. Basically, I've been obsessed with Legos for days."

Simon, on the Living Wax Museum we'll be visiting later: "Too bad it doesn't go back to the Cretaceous or something, so I could dress as a Velociraptor. Or old school Lego Batman. That's old."

Simon: "There's a commercial in this [comic] for a book  about how to be a comic book writer and it's written by STAN LEE! We need to call and tell Dad! He will freak out!"

Jeff: "Two, four, six, eight, who do we appreciate!"
Simon: "Who?"
Jeff: "Amazon."

Simon: "Batman's not a superhero. He's a millionaire."
Simon: "It's going to be a huge nassel explosion."
Me: "What?"
Simon: "Nassel! You know, like in space."
Me: "NASA?"
Simon: "No, nassel."
Me: "Wait, how is the word spelled?"
Simon: "N-A-S-A-L"
Me: Simon, that's pronounced "nay- sal". It has to do with the nose."
Simon: "Oh. Then there's going to be a nasal explosion."

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