We had dinner with some friends last night. Simon made quite an impression, walking into their sliding glass door (while dressed as Batman, of course). We all had a great night.
Simon: "Eli can have a sleepover!"
Jeff: "That'd be fun."
Simon: "You don't even have to be there!"
Jeff: "Well, we'd be there to take care of you guys and help get snacks."
Simon: "I can get our snacks by myself. I have a recipe!"
We took Simon to the zoo today:
Simon: "I want to go get naked and go in the water park."
Jeff: "The water park isn't open; it's too cold."
Me: "You'd have to wear swimming shorts, though. You can't be naked."
Simon: "Because then people would yell: "Why is that kid NAKED!?!"."
Simon (in his best "informative voice"): "There are over two hundred speechies. Mom, what's a speechies?"
He meant "species".
Lately Simon has been telling me to pick up kids from school so he can take them to our house to play. When I tell him that we need their parents' permission first (otherwise it's kind of a felony), he tells me to just ask his teacher.
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