

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Simon said, "Mom, this is what Jesus always does!" Then, he made the sign language sign for love.

We stopped at McDonalds before heading to Trunk-or-Treat. It spawned some very interesting observations:

Simon (while eating chicken nuggets): "Chicken makes you strong! But not this stuff!"

There was a man sitting by himself at a table, facing some Halloween decorations. He was talking into his cell phone, but Simon was convinced he was talking to the scarecrow.

A teen put on a V for Vendetta mask. Simon said, "Look, it's Kookamunga!"
I have no idea.

I told Simon that tomorrow is picture day at  his school. He said, "We take pictures on Christmas! Tomorrow is Christmas!"
I answered, "No, tomorrow isn't Christmas, it's just picture day."
Simon: "But you need to put up the tree, because I've been waiting and waiting! You want a good picture, right?"

Today, while playing soccer, Simon told me they were playing "dog park". Somehow, I doubt it.

Jeff: "Don't act up, please."
Simon: "I won't. I'll act down."

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