

Friday, March 4, 2016


Simon : "Mom, if you're a nerd, then welcome to the club. "

Me: "Simon, I don't mean to stamp on your happy, but you can't possibly do a good job brushing your teeth if you're humming the "Imperial March"."
Simon : "I'm not humming the "Imperial March"! I'm singing "The Carol of the Bells"!"

Me: "Will you read to Oliver? "
Simon : :I don't read out loud in public. "
Me: "We aren't in public. We're in the privacy of our home. "
Simon : "I only read out loud in really private places, like the bathroom in an airplane. "

Simon : "Do I have the Hawaii flu? "
Me, taken aback : "What? "
Simon: "I read about it in Garfield. I have all the symptoms. It's pretty serious.

Learning about the German holiday St. Martin's Day, Simon said, "St. Martin ripped his cloak and gave it to a baker. That's random. "
I answered, "Buddy, you misread that. It says he gave it to a beggar."
Simon said, "Ah. That makes more sense. "

Aunt Amber  asked Simon if he likes being a big brother. He answered, "Ish. Okay. .I love it! "
If only she had seen the huge grin on his face.

I overheard Simon telling someone , "Once you learn how to read you will love it. "

Me: "Oliver has glitter on his head. Where did that come from? " Simon: "Maybe you accidentally ate some glitter when you were pregnant. You know, what you eat he eats when you're pregnant. "