

Friday, October 16, 2015


Simon made me a bracelet out of the treads from a Lego tire.

Simon: "Can today be Crazy Hair Day? I mean, we are learning about Einstein. "
Of all his excuses to not brush his hair, this is one of the more creative ones.

Simon was rubbing my stomach yesterday, and talking to Oliver. All of a sudden, he stopped and kind of gently poked my stomach. He explained that he couldn't rub my stomach too much or it might catch on fire. Silly boy!

Simon: "I've got the hiccups, you're pregnant. .. we're all broken. "

Simon: "I want to homeschool through college. Is that allowed? I just like homeschool better. It's fun. Plus, cafeteria food is terrible. It tastes like airline food."
Me: "You've never eaten airline food! "
Simon: "I know, but I heard it's terrible. "

Simon: "Was I destined to be a thinker? "

Simon: "My new thing is saying "Whatev" instead of "whatever"."
Me: "Where did you get that? "
Simon: "Nowhere. I'm just lazy. It's my thing. "
Well, that's going to drive me nuts.

Simon: "Is Oliver giving you more contracticals?"

Yesterday Jeff was playing Legos with Simon. Simon asked if Jeff liked his creation. When Jeff said yes, Simon said, "Good! Your approval is what I was going for. "

Friday, October 2, 2015

Burning Daylight

Simon: "I think one kid is more than enough!"
Me (thinking he's having a hard time with being a sibling): "You're going to love your brother."
Simon: "Not that. I mean, one kid is enough because kids are a handful. I'm a handful. I mean, I want another burger..."

Simon: "I'm full. "
Me, looking up and seeing that he's eaten two bites: "No. You need to eat more than that. "
Simon: "But I ate a lot yesterday! "

Simon: "Come on, Mom! We're burning daylight here! "

Simon: "I think selling indulgences was the first scam."