

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Mario World

Upon learning that Prince John raised taxes, Simon said, "He didn't even sell lemonade or have a bake sale? Come on!"

Simon's prayer tonight: "Dear God, Thank you that I got to play Mario World! Please don't make me eat green beans again. Thanks!"

Simon: "I created a new style of art. It's called "Funky". We better tell the art news people."

Simon: "Mom, I need a locker."
Me: "What would you put in it?"
Simon, smirking: "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Me: "Simon, do you remember who encouraged the crusades to start?"
Simon: "The head honcho?"
The answer I was looking for was "the Pope".

Simon: "I'm not that good with electronics. There. I finally admitted it."

Monday, January 26, 2015

Medieval Fair

Jeff and Simon waiting for the joust to start.

Sir Marcus, the knight our side was cheering for.

How Simon reacted when his favorite knight was unhorsed.

In between the standing people is an orc. I laughed so hard.
Throwing stars!
Simon rode a horse!
He hit the target two out of three times and had a cheering squad.
Certificate of bravery in battle

Simon fenced against a brave opponent. His opponent allowed him to win. It was sweet.
Sir Simon of the Emerald Hills!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Help Me!

Simon decided to have fun writing in fog on the car window. He wrote backwards, so it looked right from the outside. His message: Help me. I'm surprised we weren't pulled over by a cop thinking we'd kidnapped a random child.

Simon: "Dad, that is nacho shirt!"
Jeff: "Well, if it's not my shirt, whose is it?"
Simon: "Do you want to taco 'bout it?"

Simon: "I'm not the sharpest sock in the drawer."

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Sitcom Guys

Simon was asking me the same question over and over. Finally, I got sick of his nagging and said, "I heard you the first time. You don't need to keep asking."
Simon paused for a moment, then said, "You're right. That's redundant."

We played the game of Life tonight. Simon kept up a running commentary.

We asked what Simon would name his "kids". He said that he would name the boy Gabriel. We asked about the girl and he said, "I'd name her Checkmate."

Simon got the travel agent career card. Jeff landed on a travel space. Simon asked where Jeff was going. Once Jeff answered Europe, Simon commented, "Oooh, that's a good place!"

Simon gave me a big, noisy smooch. I told him it was super loud and he said, "Isn't that how sitcom guys kiss?"

Simon: "Did you know that logic is a powerful weapon?"