

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Morning, 2013

Just the three of us.
Jeff thanks Simon for his Christmas gift: hockey stick pencils and some journals.
Simon gave me a book about dragons.
Simon with all of his new Lego and Megablock sets.
I taught Simon how to yo-yo.
Building Lego sets
Green Lantern ring.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

I'm ruined!

A conversation that I was told about this morning:
Sunday School Leader:"When the angels appeared to the shepherds, how did the shepherds react?"
Simon: "They FREAKED OUT!"
Teacher: "What's another way of saying that?"
Simon: "Panicked?"
Simon: "What is it with me and physical philosophies?"

It's hard not to laugh when you're disciplining your kid and he starts sobbing and repeating over and over, "I'm ruined!"

Simon: "I want to go on vacation. Where can we go?"
Me: "Where would you like to go on vacation?"
Simon: "Can you give me some options?"

Simon was given a little Nativity Scene snowglobe at church. He went running to show Jeff, yelling, "Look! BabyJesusinasnowglobe!" all in one breath.

Simon: "What is is with me and dad and violence?"
Me: "What are you talking about?"

Simon: "Well, we both like sword fights and stuff."

Monday, December 9, 2013


Me: "The book you wrote is great, Simon."
Simon: "Yes! It is!"
Jeff (sarcastically): "Wow, way to be humble."
Me: "Simon, when someone gives you a compliment, you say 'thank you'. People need stay humble."
Simon: "What's "humble" mean?"
The more Jeff tried to explain, the more confused Simon got. Eventually, Jeff just yelled, "When someone says something nice, just say 'thank you'. You don't need to yell, "I'm awesome, sucka! Eat it!"
I laughed so hard!

Simon: "What are those?"
Me: "Buoys."
Simon: "What?"
Me (slightly louder): "Buoys."
Simon: "WHAT???"
Me: "BUOYS!"
Simon: "What's "boobies"?"

Simon: "You're cool, Mom!"
Me: "You're cool!"
Simon: "You're awesome, Mom!"
Me: "You're awesome!"
Simon: "Wow! I can't believe you said that to me! Thanks!"