Simon: "Mom, can I have some paper? I'm going to write a comic about Lego Ninjago #3 and so forth, etc."
Simon: "My hair is going woosh! Just like a peacock! Just like one!"
Simon: "Can I not do school right now, 'cause I'm too excited about writing my comic?"
Should I tell him that he's busy practicing handwriting (school!) right now? Nah.
Simon: "The best part of Halloween is trick-or-treating and my glow sword that is REALLY AWESOME!"
Simon: "I prayed to God about Gumpa in my head. I was trying to be subtle about it."

Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Martial Art
When Simon took his bath yesterday, he leaned back and said, "Ah! This is the life! It only gets better from here!"
I've been trying to get Simon to stop running around the house naked. He loves to yell, "I'm nude!" at the top of his lungs. I told him there's a reason it's called privates- because they're supposed to be private. He gave me a big, cheesy grin, and said, "Otherwise, you have to call it publics." Oh boy.
We too Simon to the Spooktacular at the zoo. There's a section with pirates. One of the pirates said, "Avast! I'll take your candy treasure!" (or something like that). Simon held his candy bag out and said, "You can have some". The pirate looked very taken aback. I guess he wasn't expecting someone to say that.
When Simon was taking his test, the lady testing him was doing a bunch of "what doesn't fit" questions. She said, "Which doesn't fit? "hat", "boots", "fish", or "dress"?"
Simon said "dress" and when she looked at him weird, he said, "Because you can't wear a dress when you go fishing." Ha ha!
Simon: "Sleep is a martial art."
I guess I have a black belt in a martial art, after all.
I've been trying to get Simon to stop running around the house naked. He loves to yell, "I'm nude!" at the top of his lungs. I told him there's a reason it's called privates- because they're supposed to be private. He gave me a big, cheesy grin, and said, "Otherwise, you have to call it publics." Oh boy.
We too Simon to the Spooktacular at the zoo. There's a section with pirates. One of the pirates said, "Avast! I'll take your candy treasure!" (or something like that). Simon held his candy bag out and said, "You can have some". The pirate looked very taken aback. I guess he wasn't expecting someone to say that.
When Simon was taking his test, the lady testing him was doing a bunch of "what doesn't fit" questions. She said, "Which doesn't fit? "hat", "boots", "fish", or "dress"?"
Simon said "dress" and when she looked at him weird, he said, "Because you can't wear a dress when you go fishing." Ha ha!
Simon: "Sleep is a martial art."
I guess I have a black belt in a martial art, after all.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Guinea Pig
"Hey, would you like to make a propeller suit that is a few feet away
from my body so I don't get hurt and it makes me fly and it looks like
the only way I'm flying is because of my mind? It somehow has a
propeller on the outside of it and it's automatically controlled by
wires that are attached to it, and whenever the wires are working, you
fly to your target."
Simon came running in before he was supposed to be up this morning. He yelled, "I can't believe it! I overslept!" He most definitely did not oversleep.
Simon tried to pull me out of bed. When he wasn't able to, he said, "I need a forklift." Ouch.
Simon called me a chinchilla. Jeff told him that I don't like that nickname and to come up with something else, so Simon called me a guinea pig. I just can't win, can I?
Simon is convinced that the Eiffel Tower is in Green Cove, despite me telling him he just saw a church steeple.
Simon: "Can I have all kinds of cheese, except for stinky cheese?"
Simon: "I want an apple because it's just the right temperature and it's stunning."
Simon: "My favorite word is "busted" because it sounds daring!"
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Super Crazy
Simon: "Why is Dad so smart? I think it's because he asked God for wisdom and-boom- he got it."
Simon was dressing up in his superhero costumes. He said, "I'm disguising myself as someone who doesn't have allergies."
Simon: "I want an apple because it's just the right temperature and it's stunning."
Simon: "I just made up a book and it's called Super Crazy. It's about this child who wants to be a superhero. He tries to run really fast like the Flash, but he fails, and he tries to save the city, but sometimes he fails. Sometimes he doesn't,though."
Me: "What does your character look like?"
Simon: "Me. Because it is me! That's why it's super crazy!"
Simon: "My favorite word is "busted" because it sounds daring!"
Simon used pieces from some of his Lego guys to build a Lego Green Lantern. He explained to me that, "My Green Lantern doesn't have a logo because he's old school Green Lantern. You know, from back in the day."
Simon: "How do cats clean themselves without gagging?"
Simon was dressing up in his superhero costumes. He said, "I'm disguising myself as someone who doesn't have allergies."
Simon: "I want an apple because it's just the right temperature and it's stunning."
Simon: "I just made up a book and it's called Super Crazy. It's about this child who wants to be a superhero. He tries to run really fast like the Flash, but he fails, and he tries to save the city, but sometimes he fails. Sometimes he doesn't,though."
Me: "What does your character look like?"
Simon: "Me. Because it is me! That's why it's super crazy!"
Simon: "My favorite word is "busted" because it sounds daring!"
Simon used pieces from some of his Lego guys to build a Lego Green Lantern. He explained to me that, "My Green Lantern doesn't have a logo because he's old school Green Lantern. You know, from back in the day."
Simon: "How do cats clean themselves without gagging?"
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